
BSBM Membership

Thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Project Logo
Thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Project Logo

King James Version

Let brotherly love continue. 2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in thee body. 4 Marriage is honourable in all, and thee bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. 5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. 6 So that we may boldly say, Thee Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. 7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you thee word of God: whose faith follow, considering thee end of their conversation. 8 Jesus Christ thee same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Blacksun Bloodmoon Sistematico is thee subsidiary of Thee Theion Temple that was established to organize thee Biblical research needed to structure thee Blacksun Bloodmoon graphic novel series + outline thee characters written about within.
Thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Project consist of illustrated novels + musical accompaniment.
BlacksunBloodmoonSistematico_Original_Incarnations (6)
Thee Dark Countenance Urbanite Series is set to debut with volume one of thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Graphic Novel series.
Thee intended goal of Thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Project is to erase thee scars of colonialism from thee minds of thee youth using thee arts as a tool. Thee gradual introduction of cross cultural perspectives can help thee youth of local communities feel thee sorrows, joys + aspirations of youth overseas or just down thee block and re-kindle thee love + we once shared pre-slavery. This Blacksun Bloodmoon Project is needed to promote pride in thee contributions of our African ancestry, it can be used to supplement European framed +/or culture biased curriculum, Thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Project can also serve to motivate youth to master their G_d given artistic talent[s].

Common terminology needed to find your way around Thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Project may be added to BSBM Sistematico along with thee list of 333 adult male readers hand selected to usher their own demographics into thee future while serving as a marshal as referenced in thee art communities of thee past. Please select from thee 3 resource list bellow. 111 men are referenced in each unit...Thee Iscariot Estate, Thee Incubi Account + /or Thee Sons of Jacob. After reading thee page you need in order to gain membership +/or address any fraudulent claims Thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Project tagged to you brand, feel free to contact me directly via thee Contact Senorita Selassie account dedicated to Thee BSBM Project online with your questions.


thee demon of raped men



333 BSBM Members

111 BSBM Unit Members


BSBM Dossier: Ki.733

Senorita Kisissa Elolam Selassie is Thee Blacksun Bloodmoon Project headhunter + thee artisan owner of Thee Theion Temple, Thee Boutique Graven, IVTSIVTP + Revamped Technology.

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